Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Molality Molality The concept of molality arises while studying solutions. Molality is also called as molal concentration. A solution is formed when a solute is dissolved in a solvent. Solute is a substance which is dissolved in another substance during the formation of a solution. Solute are usually in smaller quantities. The solvent is a substance which dissolves solute in itself during the formation of the solution. The solvent is usually in larger quantities when compared to the solute. For example, salt is dissolved in water here salt is the solute and water is the solvent. Sugar dissolve in juice, here sugar is the solute and juice is the solvent. Hence when a solute dissolves in a solvent a solution is formed. The solutions in which the solute is evenly distributed throughout the solvent is called as a homogeneous solution. The amount of solute dissolved in the solvents, and the solution formed can all be expressed in terms of concentrations. There are different ways in which the concentration is estimated such as molarity, molality, formality, percent composition and many more. Molality definition: The amount of solute dissolved in one kilogram of the solvent is defined as the molality of the solution. The amount of solute is expressed in moles. Therefore the molal concentration of a solution is the moles of solute in kilogram of the solvent. To find the Molality the required information is Moles of the solute used to form a solution. Amount of the solvent expressed in kilograms. Hence the formula for Molality can be expressed as follows: Units and symbol: The molality of a solution is expressed as m. The units for expressing the molality equals moles/kilograms or mol/kg. Question: Find the molality of 5 moles of Nacl mixed in 2000 grams for the solvent? Here the moles of the solute = 5 moles. The amount of the solvent = 2000 grams. Expressing the solvent in Kilograms = 2000/1000 = 2Kg. Hence using the formula for calculating Molality gives: Simplifying the calculation, Molality = 2.5 m. Question: Find the number or moles of FeO dissolved in 1.5 kg of solvent, if the molality of the solution if 0.3m. Here, the amount of the solvent = 1.5 Kg. Molality of the solvent used = 0.3 m. Hence rearranging the Molality formula for calculating the moles of the solute: This gives Moles of solute = 0.3 x 1.5 = 4.5 moles of Feo. Question: Find the amount of the solvent if 0.24 moles of the solute is dissolved to obtain a molality of 0.48m? Here, the number of moles of the solute = 0.24. The molality of the solution = 0.48 m. Hence rearranging the molality formula for calculating the mass of the solvent gives: The amount of the solvent = 1/2Kg = 0.5 Kg. Finding the moles of the solute: In a few questions the amount of the solute is given, in such cases the moles of the solute need to be calculated before using the molality formula. Here is how the moles of the solute can be calculated: Question: Calculate the molality when 20 grams of KCl is dissolved in 400 gm of the solvent? Mass of solute = 20 grams. Molar mass or molecular weight of KCl = Atomic mass unit of (K + Cl) = 39.0983 + 35.453 = 74.5513 g/mol = 74.6 g/mol (approx.) Moles of KCl = 20/74.6 = 0.27 moles. Amount of solvent in Kg = 400/1000 = 0.4 Kg. Using the molality formula: Therefore, molality of the given solution = 0.27/0.4 = 0.675 m Question: What is the molality of the solution when 15 grams of Na2CO3 is dissolved in a 0.25 kg of solvent to form a solution? Given is the mass of Sodium Carbonate = 15 grams. The number of moles of Na2CO3 is required for finding the molality of the solution. The Molar mass of Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3 = 2 (Na) + C + 3 (O). Refer the periodic table for the atomic mass unit for Na, C and O. Molar mass of Na2CO3 = 2 (22.989770) + 12.0107 + 3 (15.9994) = 105.98844 g/mol = 106 g/mol (approx.) Moles of Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3 = 15/106 = 0.14 Using the Molality formula Hence the molality = 0.14/0.25 = 0.56 m Difference between Molarity and Molality: Molarity and molality are both used to express the concentrations of a given solution. Molarity is the number of moles of solute dissolved in one liter of the solution. Molarity is also called as the molar concentration of the solution. Molarity of a substance gives the concentration with respect to the total solution whereas the molality gives the concentration with respect to the amount of solvent. The units for expressing molarity is mol/L or M. The formula used to calculate the Molarity of a solution is: Another very useful measuring unit used while solving questions related to concentrations is density. Density of a given solution is mass of the substance per unit volume. The units for expressing density are g/ml. The formula for calculating density is: Following are very unique and useful solved examples involving molality and molarity. Question: The molality of a solution formed by dissolving NaCl in a solvent is 0.56m. The density of the solution is 1.8g/ml. What is the molar concentration of the solution formed? The molality of the solution = 0.56m. This implies 0.56 moles of a solute NaCl is dissolved in 1 kg of the solvent. Moles of NaCl = 0.56; Molar mass of NaCl = Atomic weight of (Na + Cl) = (22.989770 + 34.453) = 58.44277 g/mol = 58.44g/mol (approx.) Using the moles formula, mass of NaCl dissolved = 0.56 x 58.44 = 32.73 gm (approx.) Mass of solution = Mass of Solute + Mass of Solvent = 32.73 grams + 1000 grams = 1032.73 grams Density of the solution given = 1.8g/ml. Using the density formula . Volume of the solution = 1.8 x 1032.73 = 1858.91 ml = 1.85891 L = 1.86 L (approx.). Using the molarity formula: Therefore, Molarity of the solution = 0.56/1.86 = 0.30 M Question: The molality of a solution formed by dissolving KI in a solvent is 1.2m. The density of the solution is 2.5 g/ml. What is the molar concentration of the solution formed? The molality of the solution = 1.2m. This implies 1.2 moles of a solute KI is dissolved in 1 kg of the solvent. Moles of KI = 1.2; Molar mass of KI = Atomic weight of (K + I) = (39.0983 + 126.90447) = 166.00277 g/mol = 166.00g/mol (approx.) Using the moles formula, mass of KI dissolved = 1.2 x 166.00 = 199.20 gm Mass of solution = Mass of Solute + Mass of Solvent = 199.20 grams + 1000 grams = 1199.20 grams Density of the solution given = 2.5g/ml. Using the density formula . Volume of the solution = 2.5 x 1199.20 = 2998 ml = 2.998 L. Using the molarity formula: Therefore, Molarity of the solution = 1.2/2.998 = 0.40 M

Friday, March 6, 2020

Purchase the Perfect Beginner Guitar With These Easy Steps

Purchase the Perfect Beginner Guitar With These Easy Steps Suzy S. These days, country music is much more than just grabbing a guitar and singing about losing your job, wife and dog.   Just ask the wildly popular Lady Antebellum who picked up 5 awards at the 2011 Grammy Awards or the growing list of stars who started out in one genre and have since tried their hand at country Kid Rock, Sheryl Crow and Bon Jovi, just to name a few. If you aim to be a country star someday, youll need a good guitar by your side.   Clueless about picking out a guitar?   Dont worry these tips from Creative Guitar Studio are a great starting point: 1. Decide what you want: Decide what you want first. Talk to musicians in your local music scene. Chat with your private guitar instructor, if youve already signed up for guitar lessons, and purchase a few guitar player magazines and look through them.   Get catalogs and company brochures, which are often available from your local music store. Read everything else you can find related to guitars that you are interested in. Search for all makes and models and read what people are saying in online discussion forums and threads. Learn and read everything that you can so you can make a decision you’ll truly be happy about in the long run. 2. Acoustic or Electric?: An acoustic guitar is probably the way to go for the beginner student on a budget. There are no amplifiers or patch cords to buy   just take it out and play! Also, if you aren’t sure about your long term interest for the months and years of practice ahead, an acoustic can be far more cost saving and sometimes less of a hassle to sell second-hand in the event that you give up on your interest. Electric guitars are more expensive since they require amplification; a good guitar practice amp can cost around two hundred dollars or more. If you can afford it, however, they do offer a little more room for sound experimentation since their signal can be run through relatively inexpensive sound processors. Another plus to electric guitars is the fact that they do have lower action and are somewhat easier to play than the acoustics. The nylon string acoustics make for excellent beginner models they are easy to play and quite inexpensive. 3. Go for a test drive: When you go looking at guitars, don’t just look! Grab each one, hold it and examine the shape of the neck. The width and shape should accommodate the size of your hand. It should feel comfortable.   If you have smaller hands perhaps a smaller neck would work better for you (see also: Practice Tips: Exercises and Guitars for Small Hands). Keep in mind that you will be holding this instrument for hours and hours practicing each week. It should feel comfortable. Check for the following things: 1.) Action How easy the strings are to depress? 2). Intonation Is the guitar in tune with itself. (Play chords up the neck to check)? 3). Fret edges Are they clean and smooth, or sharp and poorly machined from the factory? 4. Pay attention to how it sounds: The simplest way to define music is the interaction of sound and silence. When checking out an instrument you want to purchase, who cares about the silence part! Just play it! Strum it, pick it, play those strings. Play it in different parts of the store. If you do not play well, take a friend who does and get them to play the guitars that interest you. Keep in mind accessories you may want to purchase, as well: guitar strap (especially handy for beginners), spare strings, electronic tuner, guitar stand and extra picks.   Oh and dont forget the cowboy boots, if youre so inclined. Once you have the perfect guitar, dont forget to find the perfect guitar instructor to help you get off on the right foot.   Click here to search for guitar lessons near you! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher You might also like Learn to Play 20 Songs Using 5 Easy Guitar Chords 5 Common Mistakes of Beginner Guitarists Watch Now: How to Play Pumped Up Kicks

11 Free ( Fun!) Resources for Teaching Spanish to Kids

11 Free ( Fun!) Resources for Teaching Spanish to Kids Suzy S. Are you a parent interested in teaching Spanish to your kids? Youve made a big but fantastic decision! Studies have shown the benefits of being bilingual in todays society; not only will you be making an impact on your childs communication skills and cognitive abilities, raising your child bilingual will help set him or her up for  success later on in life. Teaching Spanish to kids is easy if you speak the language yourself, but where do you start if you dont already speak it? Its a wonderful opportunity to learn Spanish at the same time as your kids (benefiting you both), but youll need to find the right resources to do so. And if youre on a budget? You might think it will be even harder after all,  Spanish-learning software can be expensive and weekly tutoring lessons might be too much of a commitment if youre not sure youll stick with it. Luckily, thanks to the Internet, its never been easier to teach a new language to your kids and yourself at the same time. To get a jump on bilingualism, hone your language skills with the following helpful resources. Spanish Learning Apps There are so many  apps to learn Spanish available these days and many of them are completely free. These apps can provide a great introduction to the language, and many of them have games that are fun for kids and adults alike. Here are some of our favorites: Duolingo Learn Spanish by MindSnacks Memrise Learn Spanish for Kids Bilingual Child Wikibooks If you dont have the money for Spanish textbooks, phrase books, and flashcards, dont worry. All of the same instructional benefits are available for free from Wikibooks, an open-source Wikimedia project designed to extend educational material to anyone willing to learn it. The websites Spanish section starts off with basic conversation and grammar lessons, which gradually increase in complexity over time. Spend an hour a day on Wikibooks lessons and you and your child will master basic Spanish conversations in no time. Spanish Learning Websites There are tons of fantastic websites that offer easy-to-follow lessons on vocabulary, grammar, and more. We love FluentU;  with your free account, youll get limited access to Spanish videos and clips, along with subtitles to help you learn how vocabulary and phrases come together in real-world contexts. Paid accounts for unlimited watching and listening start at $8/month. SpanishDict is another great website for teaching Spanish to kids, with more of a focus on vocabulary and grammar. The interactive flashcards make it fun to learn the words for  colors, clothing, numbers, and more! Finally, Spanish Playground is fantastic for kids who want a variety of activities here you can find ideas for games and crafts,  plus printable worksheets, videos, jokes, and much more! Online Spanish Learning Games After  youve done some studying, its time to take a break and play some games! Educational games and activities are wonderful for  reiterating and reviewing what youve learned. An awesome website to bookmark  is  Digital Dialects,  which is full of fun, easy-to-play games that teach Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and conversation skills. The games cover a wide range of topics, including greetings, colors, numbers, foods, units of time, animals, and clothing. The website also offers vocab lists and conjugation breakdowns to help children without prior Spanish experience. For a fun activity, hold contests with your kids to see who can win the most games. The more fun you have, the less of a chore studying will be and the quicker youll pick up the language! ¡Hola Viajeros! When  youve gotten the hang of reading Spanish, its time to start learning how to recognize the spoken language. ¡Hola Viajeros! provides a series of free audiobooks in slow Spanish along with transcripts. By listening to the audio while reading the transcripts, you and your children will quickly learn Spanish pronunciations, inflections, and other nuances. Best of all, these audiobooks are mostly devoted to describing Spanish-speaking countries, customs, and books, allowing you to learn about Spanish-speaking cultures as you learn the language. YouTube Once youve listened to all of ¡Hola Viajeros!s audiobooks, its time to move on to faster-paced Spanish audio. YouTube is great for this, providing a wide range of music videos, TV shows, and movies from Spanish-speaking countries. By watching YouTube videos in Spanish, youll get a sense of how the language is spoken in practice. You can also find a  ton of fun, silly  songs for teaching Spanish  that kids love! Another great idea is to find songs from the Spanish-language versions of Disney musicals. Your kids likely know the English lyrics to many of these songs by heart, so theyll already understand the gist of what the characters are singing about; this will make it easier to break down the meanings of the Spanish lyrics. As an example, heres the Spanish version of Let it Go from Frozen: Once your kids can understand Spanish-language Disney songs without too much trouble, move on to watching films, TV shows, and vloggers. You should have no trouble finding age-appropriate videos for teaching Spanish to kids. So Now What? When you are ready to  invest in your or your childs language mastery, make sure youre spending your money wisely by hiring a qualified  Spanish tutor!  As effective as these resources can be, theres no substitute for working one-on-one with a teacher who can  cater lessons to your specific learning style, and catch pronunciation mistakes that you might be overlooking. After all, these apps and website are all missing one crucial element: actual communication with other Spanish speakers! If youre serious about guiding your child toward bilingualism or securing your own fluency a tutor will help you get there. The money you spend on Spanish lessons is well worth the cost, as most experienced polyglots agree. And in between your lessons? Take advantage of all these free resources for teaching Spanish to kids, and everybody wins thats what theyre there for! Ready to get started? Search for a tutor here! Bonus:   Learn about other budget-friendly options for learning Spanish! Photo by  Jessica Lucia Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Teaching Mindfulness to Students

Teaching Mindfulness to Students Todays students live busy lives, and the hectic pace and many demands can often create stress. Teach your students to be more mindful, which will help them feel calmer, more grounded, and more attentive. Huntington offers a few tips for embracing mindfulness that you can share with your students: Focus on yourself. A big part of mindfulness is bringing awareness to your actions, like your breath, movements, and reactions. One thought at a time. We all have a lot to think about. Its important to declutter the mind periodically, observing every moment and staying in those moments while they are happening. Pause and look around. Mindfulness is also about paying attention to whats around you: sounds, sights, smells, and other people. Train the mind to stay with and commit to each thought, even if briefly. Acknowledge the past, but dont dwell. Past experiences and difficulties offer the opportunity to learn and grow, but they shouldnt interfere with our forward momentum in life. Teach the mind to recognize things as they occur, but accept what cannot be changed. Focus on the present. Mindfulness has many benefits, from decreased stress to increased information processing speed, from better focus to improved communication. Encourage your students to adopt some of these practices and watch them become stronger, more effective students.

Learn English Second Conditionals with Help From Katie Melua

Learn English Second Conditionals with Help From Katie Melua One of the more difficult parts of English to learn are the conditionals. They test several areas of knowledge for students. Here is a basic guide to help you with them, and a Katie Melua song to help you remember.We use second conditionals (also called conditional type 2) to talk about unreal situations in the past or future. Some examples are:If I were you (I am not you and so this impossible).If I won the lottery (I have no ticket so this is impossible).The second conditional has two parts: an if clause and a main clause.When the if clause comes first, a comma is used. For example:If I won 20 million dollars, I would buy a private island.If I were you, I would go to Australia on holidays.However, when the if clause does not comes first, there is no need for a comma. For example:I would buy an island if I won 20 million dollars.I would go to Australia on holidays if I were you.Note that wherever they are placed in the sentence the structure of the clauses are always the same:If cla use = if + subject + simple past verb.Main clause = subject + would + verb.Katie Melua uses many second conditionals in  the lyrics for her song If I Were a Sailboat. Here are the lyrics below. Lets read them and answer the following questions:How many  different examples of second conditionals can you find in the lyrics?Why do you think the situations  she lists can be considered  for the  second conditional tense?Here is the video for If You Were a Sailboat. Below youll find the lyrics.Katie Melua If You Were A Sailboat Katie MeluaIf you were a cowboy I would trail you, If you were a piece of wood I’d nail you to the floor. If you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore. If you were a river I would swim you, If you were a house I would live in you all my days. If you were a preacher I’d begin to change my ways.Sometimes I believe in fate, But the chances we create, Always seem to ring more true. You took a chance on loving me, I took a chance on loving you.If I was in j ail I know you’d spring me, If I was a telephone you’d ring me all day long. If I was in pain I know you’d sing me soothing songs.Sometimes I believe in fate, But the chances we create, Always seem to ring more true. You took a chance on loving me, I took a chance on loving you.If I was hungry you would feed me, If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light. If I was a book I know you’d read me every night.If you were a cowboy I would trail you, If you were a piece of wood I’d nail you to the floor. If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore.If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore.If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore.Did you find this blog helpful? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

i2 International Institute of Education

i2 International Institute of Education i2 International Institute of Education i2 is affiliated with the North American Education Culture Group (NAEG) which was founded in 1983, and is committed to cultural exchange programs for international students, aiming to promote international culture communication for people in many countries and regions. Thousands of outstanding high school and college students benefit from the groups project every year. NAEG came to China in 2003 and founded Aier Education Group which is comprised of Mutual Family, Chinese as a Foreign Language, Overseas Study Tours, International Exchange Students, Tutors and other programs. In 2006, relying on the NAEG business model comprised of a professional team of foreign experts and utilizing the traditional North American F - A - M - I - L - Y educational concept, the Aier educational brand, i2 International, was formally established.i2 focuses on providing specialized and personalized courses, with international standards for customers around the world. Content includes language, art, cultur e, sports, and others. At present, the field of private foreign language education in China is developing rapidly and the i2 brand is a leading brand in the industry.

14+ Language Audiobook Series and Sources for Sound Learners

14+ Language Audiobook Series and Sources for Sound Learners 14+ Language Audiobook Series and Sources for Sound Learners Sore fingers. Eye strain. Back pain.These unfortunate symptoms are commonly associated with learning.Got a headache because you were up all night cramming for a test?Sitting in an uncomfortable chair all day taking a toll on your body?Luckily, independent learning doesnt have to involve being hunched over a textbook or keyboard.You can study a language while out and about, while literally stopping to smell the roses. Heck, you can even learn while chilling to your favorite music.But how? you may be wondering.Well, with audiobooks. Isnt it obvious?Okay, so maybe learning a language with audiobooks isnt as much of a no-brainer as it should be.After all, in this digital age of podcasts and streaming subscriptions, does anyone even know what an audiobook is  anymore?Dont worry, were going to go over that in a minute. Its not actually that complicated!All you need to know for now is that language audiobooks exist, you can access them and theyre going to make your life better, starting tod ay.Lets see how. Tips for Learning a Language with AudiobooksWell get into subscriptions and downloads and all that jazz momentarily.For now, I think its safe to say that you already must have some idea of what an audiobook that can be used for language learning is. It could be any audio recording that helps you learn a language, whether its a course, a continuous stream of information youre trying to memorize (like vocabulary) or a novel being narrated out loud.With that in mind, lets take a quick look at how you can take advantage of audiobooks for your language learning.Pair your audio learning with an enjoyable activity. The best way to stick to an audio learning routine is to match it up with something you like to do.For example, you could listen to an audio course during a bike ride after work. Or you could take in a podcast-style lesson while having breakfast. (Yes, eating counts as an enjoyable activity!) You could even use your learning as an excuse to do something fun yo u dont normally do, like going to a park or a museum.Unlike other types of learning, audio learning can be paired with all kinds of other activities.Consider listening to an instrumental music track along with your learning.  Its possible that certain types of music help make studying more productive. Theres conflicting information out there, but its worth a shot to see if listening to relaxing music while studying  works for you. Aside from helping you learn, it may simply increase motivation.Some of the audiobooks well look at below actually include music as a feature, and depending on the applications and devices youre using, you may have the option of sprucing up an audio study session by having some music running simultaneously in another application.Consider shadowing with the audio. The traditional format for audio learning programs is a listen and repeat or listen and answer one. The teacher on the recording talks, and then theres a space of silence meant to be filled by the repetition or response of the learner.But theres another option for using language learning recordings, and thats a method known as shadowing.  It involves repeating after the speaker immediately, as close to simultaneously as you can.If you feel self-conscious about your pronunciation, you might find this helpful, as it takes the focus off of your ability to repeat the speakers words back. Even if you only try shadowing occasionally, it might be a useful way to change things up.Set aside time for review and additional types of active learning. Audio learning can save you from an unhealthy amount of sitting and repetitive motion. But its good to review what youve learned in other ways. For example, it may help to do a dictation-style exercise with your audiobooks a few times a week, so you can absorb the material youre learning visually.FluentU is another great way to learn substantially along with audio. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons.The interactive subtitles make it easy to see the definition to any word in context immediately, and you can add words youre reviewing in your audiobook lessons to a customizable video-based flashcard vocab list.This is a perfect way to review vocabulary learned during audio sessions in a different format.14+ Language Audiobook Series and Sources for Sound LearnersThe number one obstacle to learning a new language with audiobooks may be confusion around how theyre distributed and regulated.The foremost purveyor of audiobooks, Amazons Audible, can itself seem a bit confusing at first. Its not an ongoing all you can listen deal, but rather a certain number of credits that can be exchanged for audio goods deal. Once subscribed, you can buy Audible books at full price or in exchange for Audible credits.Some audiobooks are available outside of this whole structure from other platforms, like streaming services, or as dow nloads from individual websites. Some audiobooks offer multiple download options, but it may not be immediately clear which is the best deal.Some of them are available completely for free but only through a certain service. Or theyre available for free but you have to track down all the episodes yourself. This can all be very exhausting!But dont worry, Im going to help you navigate all the language audiobook weirdness. And we will emerge victorious, with audio learning material for you. Some of it can be cheap, some of it can even be completely free. I promise.Language Learning Audiobook Programs and SeriesFirst things first: You may want to  download the Audible app and/or sign up for a free trial. Doing so will get you access to some books that wont otherwise be available to you, plus some freebies.The main thing to be aware of when using an Audible account to try out new language learning audiobooks is that its to your benefit to use credits for the most expensive books. For exam ple, if you have one credit and you want to purchase one audiobook thats $17 and one thats $22, youll want to use the credit for the one thats $22 and pay for the other one.I should mention that Audible has changed its pricing structure and the way it operates in the past, so you should absolutely check into the current policies before subscribing.An alternative to Audible that works similarly is Audiobooks.com. Their overall selection of language learning audiobooks below isnt as wide-ranging, but that might not matter depending on what programs interest you.Another platform that includes a few of the options below is Audiobooksnow. You can also try e-book providers like Kobo and NOOK, or even see what audiobooks are available through services that link to your school or library, like OverDrive.Below, Ive linked to some of the most popular currently available options for the learning programs, brands or series mentioned. Im not going to specify prices because those can change anyti me.  But by looking at all of these options together, you can hopefully decide what subscriptions or separate purchases would work best for you.Okay, here we go!Innovative LanguageAvailability: Website, Audible, KoboInnovative Language has built multiple language programs based around podcast and video lessons. You can find their channels on YouTube for free material and sign up on their websites  for more. Innovative Language has content for a large variety of languages, including Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Russian and many more.In addition, they offer a variety of audiobooks for a number of different languages. Some of these you can only purchase through Audible. The cool thing, though, is that some books, including select ones in the Word Power series, are available for free with an Audible subscription. Of course, this also means that you have to have an Audible subscription to download these books in the first place.The Word Power series is focused around learning key co re vocabulary. Vocabulary is selected based on frequency of use. While the format is a pretty standard oneâ€"you hear the teaching language, then hear the target language, then repeatâ€"its efficient and includes context. The recording starts by introducing a word, then turns it into a phrase, and finally makes a complete sentence.In addition, theres a Survival Phrases series and a more extensive learning series.Earworms LearningAvailability: Website, Android, iOS,  Audible, Audiobooks.com, Audiobooksnow, KoboPersonally, I think the concept behind this series is pretty neat. What you get is words and phrases in your target language taught over catchy, repetitive music.As the music is specifically meant to go with the language being taught, its not distracting but enhancing. Admittedly, I suspect this may be a love it or hate it kind of thing. Some learners will probably find it annoying, but others may swear by it.Either way, you can listen to free samples in the Audible store or on the website. The program is available in a number of popular languages and some books use German as the teaching language.Lingo Jump Parallel AudioAvailability: Website, Audible, Audiobooks.com, Audiobooksnow, KoboLingo Jump is a series based around, yes, parallel audio. It focuses on pronunciation and predictable speech patterns. The main idea with this program seems to be to get you speaking both fast and accurately.One cool thing about the program is that it offers parallel audio not just in multiple languages but in multiple language pairs. Aside from lessons with English as the teaching language, you can also find lessons taught in German, French, Spanish and Italian.You can check out free samples of the program on Audible and the Lingo Jump TV YouTube channel before buying.Collins 40 MinutesAvailability: Android, Apple Books,  Audible, Audiobooks.comOnly got 40 minutes? These audiobooks are short, sweet and based around practical scenarios. If you dont have much time but want to brush up on a language youre actually going to use, you may want to check these out.Note that Collins 40 Minute books are pretty cheap on Audible, so you may not want to waste your credit on them but just purchase them with actual money.PimsleurAvailability: Website, Android, iOS, Audible, Audiobooks.com, Audiobooksnow, KoboPimsleur courses are audio classics that really dig into spoken language and practical situations.You can expect to work pretty hard when you do a Pimsleur lessonâ€"unlike with some audio lessons that are more vocabulary-based, you really have to pay attention. Youll also probably benefit most if you commit to working your way through one whole level over a shorter period of time.Lessons are 30 minutes long and you can purchase them in chunks. Pimsleur is currently available for over 50 languages.BerlitzAvailability: AudibleUnlike some of the other resources on this list, Berlitz offers sort of a grab bag of language tools for you. In other words, this isnt s o much its own resource as what you get under the Berlitz name. Berlitz is known for its innovative in-person classes, which are based around a practical and immersive method, so its no surprise that its products are generally thoughtful and high-quality.Berlitz products vary by language, but like the teaching method, they tend to be oriented towards practical goals, like travel or daily conversation. So its worth checking out whats available in the Audible store, especially because most of the products are quite cheap.The Guaranteed series gives you a course that lasts a few hours and covers everyday language for around six dollars.Michel ThomasAvailability: Website, Android, iOS,  AudibleThe life and work of Michel Thomas, a polyglot linguist and Holocaust survivor, has reached mythical status. His method can be a bit divisive, with glowing celebrity testimonials on the one hand and some saying his techniques arent all theyre cracked up to be on the other.No matter what you think of the decades-old method itself, though, you have to admit its still different from most audio courses out there.One of the ideas behind the Michel Thomas Method is that the teacher is responsible for the students learning. In other words, as the student listening to the recording, its your job to relax, listen and speak without worrying about memorization. (Thomas himself died in 2005, but others have taken over teaching with the Michel Thomas Method since then.)The language courses consist of sessions between a teacher and students that were recorded live. The teacher on the recording presents the language in practical, logical parts.Michel Thomas courses will probably be most appealing to learners who get tense while speaking in real-life situations or have had trouble putting language lessons to practical use. The Michel Thomas Method now covers 18 languages to some degree.Paul NobleAvailability: Android, iOS, Audible, Audiobooks.com, KoboPaul Nobles approach is sort of similar to Michel Thomass. The biggest difference between the two is that Thomas and his successors have offered live sessions involving actual students, mistakes and all. Nobles recordings tend to be more stripped-down, and youre the only student in the classroom.From the specific recordings Ive compared, which have been mostly the beginner French ones, Nobles courses seem to move at a slower clip, while Thomass are a bit snappier and get you thinking on your feet right away.So if youre intimidated by the Thomas method, or if you dont like the idea of hearing other students mistakes, you may want to give Noble a try. If, on the other hand, you find the Noble recordings dont have enough energy and you want to be pushed to speak more, Thomas or Pimsleur may be more what you need.Another big difference, which has nothing to do with the method itself but will be the only difference that matters to many, is that currently Noble only offers courses in five languages: French, Spanish, German, It alian and Mandarin Chinese.Lingo MasteryAvailability: Android,  iOS, Audible, Audiobooks.com, KoboLingo Mastery audiobooks tend to focus on core vocabulary, but they make that focus interesting. Like with Innovative Languages Word Power series, their Words in Context includes sentences for core vocabulary. You can find some of these recordings on their YouTube channel.They also have a robust collection of dialogues and short stories available for French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese.VocabuLearnAvailability: Android, Apple Music, Spotify, KoboRemember how we talked about background music earlier? This program includes it for you. The material is pretty straightforward: As the title suggests, the purpose of VocabuLearn courses is to teach you vocabulary, and they do so in a simple definition followed by language format. Note that not all  recordings for all languages have music, but a good number of them pipe in classical tunes behind your vocab study.As its really just a v ocabulary learning system, VocabuLearn probably shouldnt be your primary study resource. But musical tracks  make rote vocab learning much more pleasant, and might even be beneficial to listen to while youre doing something else, like cooking or cleaning.The catch to using this course through Spotify is that the free version wont allow you to listen to the tracks in order. That might not be a big deal, as the lessons are vocabulary-based, but if you want to listen from beginning to end, youll have to spring for Spotify Premium or a version on one of the platforms above.VocabuLearn is available for a wide array of languages that extends to Ukranian, Tagalog and Vietnamese.Coffee Break LanguagesAvailability:  Website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsCoffee Break lessons are  laid-back and conversational, featuring a mixture of English and the language youre learning. Each lesson involves at least one teacher and learner of the language, so this is another series where you get a semblance of group/classroom learning. Aside from exposure to practical language, youll receive insight on a variety of cultural topics.Coffee Break Languages offers free audio lessons for learners of French, Italian, Chinese, German and Spanish. The number of seasons and the way theyre presented varies somewhat by language.To get started, either go to the website link above and scroll down to Choose your flavour, or search for Coffee Break [language] from inside Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts. If you have trouble finding the beginning of the lessons on Spotify, try sorting by date. On the website, you may need to jump to the last page of lessons.Youll notice that some languages include options for online courses and premium content you can pay for, but you should be able to get all the podcast lessons for free. Also, some languages, like French, include  additional series for learners.Besides the lessons for the languages above, Coffee Break Languages offers One Minut e lessons and other features on their YouTube channel for many more languages.The Coffee Break lessons are a good all-around resource, so if youre looking to avoid Amazon altogether, this is a good place to start. Or if youre just flat broke, this is also a good place to start.Additional Resources for Authentic Foreign Language AudiobooksAvailability is still something of an issue for authentic audiobooks, but its much simpler to find free and accessible material once you enter the public domain.Here are some top sources for affordable audiobooks. The books you find here will become especially useful as you work your way through the intermediate and advanced levels.BeelinguappTo be clear, this is an app intended to be used for visual reading, too. It allows you to choose from a variety of texts that you can experience alongside the translation and audio.Beelinguapp is useful for audio learners who want to make sure they arent falling behind on their written language skills. Texts ar e currently available in 13 languages.LibriVoxThe simplest resource weve looked at thus far, LibriVox is basically a huge public domain library of audio texts. LibriVox currently has nearly 100 languages listed. Browse by your target language and have fun!YouTubeIf you cant find a particular public domain text youre pining after on LibriVox, or you just want another option, you can always try a YouTube search. This could either mean searching for audiobook in your target language or simply doing a search for the specific book youre looking for.For example, if youre learning German, you might delight in this audio version of Michael Endes Die unendliche Geschichte (The Neverending Story).Quite an earful, huh? As you can see, the world of audiobooks is an exciting one if you know where to look. Learning a language with audiobooks is a great option for students, so  get started with it right away thanks to our list above!

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